3/7/2023 -
I have to head back to my old apartment to pick up some things (again with the old apartment), which I do but when I have them I realize my ride has left and I have to get to band practice. I think I can probably make it by walking but when I get halfway up the street I'm realizing how tenuous this is. Like, walking that far while carrying this shit will take forever. What am I carrying? A small but sort of heavy black box and some black sheets which aren't folded at all and just waving around in the breeze.
I head back down the street and realize there's a party going on in the house next to my old digs. I pop in and realize that my ex-girlfriend is the only one there and she's just sitting around watching a movie. What movie? Some "classic" sentimental film starring Oprah Winfrey.
"Oh my god, you've never seen this movie? I can't even believe that. You have to stay and watch this with me!"
I assure her that I have in fact seen it before. Of course. Don't be ridiculous. But I do sit and watch a sec with her and it seems to be coming from multiple tv screens of various sizes that are embedded into the wall and is somehow playing out separate pieces of the narrative simultaneously. Like the same scene is sprawling onto multiple screens. The only thing I remember from this film is that at one point there's the super overly dramatic scene where a balding older black man wearing a striped red and white polo shirt gets super over the top emotional about the birth of his grandson. I'm honestly confused though. Is he supposed to be playing a developmentally disabled adult or is his ridiculous overacting just so terrible that it comes across like that?
I have no idea but I need to get to band practice so I go out on the porch to call my dad, who is apparently the one who ditched me. He does pick up but informs me that he's just got a baseball game started with a keyboard player from a Seattle psychedelic band I used to know back in the day. I'm like, gotcha, but can you come back and pick me up? Rather than hanging up, he instead goes completely radio silent.
I think to myself and go back inside and where there's now a minor party forming. I look at the clock. I was supposed to be at band practice at 6 and it's already 6:52. My ex is sitting on the couch getting drunk and I'm like:
"Wait a minute, you have a car, can't you give me a ride?"
To which she replies:
"Uhhh, I kind of wanted to flirt with this dude who just showed up."
There's a minor twinge of jealousy in me when she mentions this but I'm also like:
"Can't you just give me a ride and then swing back to get with this guy?"
Her response to this is to stand up from the couch and when she does I realize she's totally naked. She then takes a few steps across the room into a group of like 5 dudes and singles out this one middle eastern looking dude with very odd all black almost tribal pattern looking facial tattoos. She reaches over and gently taps his face with her pointer finger.
Then she sits back down and is like:
"Aiight, I guess we can go now."
From there I'm driving around the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle for a while but my ex girlfriend is not my driver (it's some random dude) and I've given up on band practice. As a matter of fact, it's sort of like we're just desperately searching for something fun to do. My memory is fuzzy for the rest of the dream but the one thing that I do remember is getting home. I'm now hanging with my wife and I reach into the microwave.
"Oh yeah, those 2 Big Macs I stashed in there to eat later. I'd completely forgotten about those."
The peculiar thing about this is that I have a very distinct memory about somehow getting these for free, not being hungry, and then stashing them away for later. Remembering things that never actually happened in dreams is always decidedly trippy. Also, I don't think I've eaten a Big Mac in roughly 20 years.