4/30/2024 –
Very odd sequence where I’m pulling out of a dream and what the fuck is even going on? It’s like I’m a floating underwater arthouse ancient Egyptian queen head viewed from the side that does a loop de loop in outer space and performs cunnilingus on an animated vagina, which then turns into another arthouse Egyptian queen head that then does another loop de loop and performs cunnilingus on what turns into another ancient Egyptian queen head perpetually. I’m left with the impression that this represents fractal consciousness.

As for dreams? Pretty tame. I’m eating breakfast in our old breakfast nook in Ohio with my family and LeBron James is eating with us for unknown reasons. What’s interesting here is that he’s very much just trying to fit into the vibe of our family and not be the center of attention. He’s just sort of reading the room and low key reacting to what we’re doing. I find this fascinating.
Later I’m in our kitchen and apparently I’m in charge of our franchise’s draft pick. I’m taking Scottie Pippen and I’m chatting with one of his people. I want Scottie to know that the reason I’m drafting him has to do with the friendship we’ve established. It’s my decision and it has to do with the personal relationship I’ve established with him. I want him to be aware of this. That’s the dream.
5/1/2024 –
For the second time in roughly a week I’m in bed contemplating how I haven’t had any dreams when I realize that wait a minute, I am dreaming while I’m contemplating this. I’d been having conversations about both my wife and my mom chatting with me while I was lying in bed and no, this absolutely isn’t happening in the waking world.
After this period of odd reflective contemplation, I now get out of bed and find myself in our old basement apartment. I start talking to my wife (who looks nothing like my wife) and immediately realize that I’m dreaming. Yup. There is absolutely no reason I would be waking up back in this place. None whatsoever. I mention this to my wife but it all feels so real. Even though I’ve experienced this a million times, I have to phase my hand through the wall to prove to myself that I’m dreaming.
When I successfully do this, I’m now sort of confused as to what I’m supposed to be doing here. Also, my wife now starts multiplying into all these other people. I’m not sure what to make of this. One of these characters is a younger semi-scruffy looking white dude with an unkempt mop of dirty blonde hair. He introduces himself to me as Michael. OK. There are now 4 or 5 of these people standing in front of me and eventually I’m like.
“What’s the point to this? What am I supposed to be doing here?”
Strangely, they tell me. They want me to turn on the TV in front of me and get angry. I do not entirely understand this request but I reach down to the old school looking television and comply. What’s on the station when I turn on the set? A combination of C-Span and hockey. This would seem nonsensical but I’ve been considering creating an angry dude character based on popular sports media personalities for a while. The implication that they want me to do political ranting isn’t something I’m a huge fan of though if I’m being honest.
After this I somehow lose lucidity. I have a conversation with my mom’s old boyfriend about how he had a random encounter with a guy who turned out to be a murderer on the day he committed a murder. Now I head out to walk my dogs. I head to a very specific area in my neighborhood and while my pups are sniffing, I hear a lady across the street talking about a synchronicity involving this exact murder.
I think to myself because she’s not just talking about the same murder I was just chatting about but she’s also talking about a synchronicity involving this murder, which is itself another synchronicity. I’m about to go across the street and mention how synchronous this is when I realize that I’m dreaming. This is incredibly jarring once again. My chihuahua is pooping and as I reach down to bag the poop it’s blowing my mind.
“Wait a minute. I’m not walking my dogs? I’m going to have to get up and walk my dogs again, on a different level of reality?”
Yes. I will also add that the metaphor regarding synchronicities here absolutely tracks. Why do they happen? Because life is but a dream.

5/2/2024 –
The typical thing where I’m at some sort of family party, the only variation here is that it’s on this cool looking elevated concrete platform structure above the beach, which seemingly elevates itself in the air right after we arrive. For a while I’m looking at the waves crashing against the surf on the beach town below. They’re crashing in pretty high for a bit I’m thinking that there might be a tsunami but nobody else seems concerned. Eventually it subsides and that’s about all I remember but the waves crashing into the beach town thing did in fact look pretty excellent.
In the next sitch I’m once again with a particular side of my family and we’re going to a movie in this large mall/plaza type thing, except that somehow we get stopped in this food court type area grabbing some eats. There is in fact a screen in front of the dining area and for some reason half my family thinks this is the theater. I’m absolutely not convinced though, so I go searching for it. When I do I learn that it’s in theater 12, then I head down this hall looking. This hall sure looks like either an insane asylum or convalescent center though. I find room 12 but again, I’m not buying that this is a movie theater.
I head back and grab my dad and we head out again, taking a right rather than a left at the fork in the mall hallways. Yep, this is the right spot. I unfortunately do not remember the movie.
The next thing I do remember is that we’re now at an outdoor picnic in downtown Portland. The main thing here is that I’m just chillin’ at the picnic table shirtless with the fam, wondering why I’m chillin’ at a picnic table shirtless but mainly just enjoying the scenery. Here downtown Portland seems smaller than I remember. Lots of greenery. Very quaint but there are some very new looking skyscrapers and I’m having fun staring at the astral architecture. That’s really about it.
