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Time Jumps Kill The After Party

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

7/8/2024 –

In this vision there’s an old man with gray hair and a beard living in a small farmhouse. He’s looking at my life and judging me for being privileged and an exterior spirit guide entity points out:

“He does have that debilitating auto-immune disease that constantly makes him feel like shit in addition to being super duper mentally unstable so…”

This extra tracks because for unknown reasons I had a terrible gas stomach ache and threw up my dinner last night. Why? No idea, but it’s the second time it’s happened in the last several months and because my body doesn’t process food properly, I’m absolutely going to feel like shit for days because of it.

Later in a dream I’m going out to eat at this prototypical Ballard hang out spot. Haven’t been here in a while in my dreams and it’s very odd because it legit is something I just seem to have invented. It’s supposed to be this old bar that used to be near the Tin Hat that I only went to a few times, but here it’s a regular hang out.

Anyway, we’re heading there with a few old friends and it gets odd pretty quick. First because as mentioned, the whole point is to catch up with old friends and yet, the way the tables are configured I’m basically just hanging out with my wife. So we’re not even talking to these old friends we’re supposed to be hanging with.

The other thing that’s weird is that I legit don’t recognize anything on the menu. I’m trying to order but again, I don’t recognize a thing. There are even pictures and I have no clue what any of it is. Much like being in a foreign country where you’re completely unfamiliar with their food or customs and don’t speak the language (which is a situation I’ve never actually been in). My wife is trying to help me but she can’t really figure it out either and I’m the only one that truly seems to be struggling with this.

Eventually the food shows up and it’s like this meal that looks like chicken strips in a bowl of mashed potatoes with gravy. The waitress seems to have ordered this for me and it seems fine but it’s not a ton of food. We all can’t believe one of our other friends is eating this amazingly bizarre seafood dish and we’re pretty sure he has no idea what it even is. Then some guy I don’t know at all starts chatting me up and we’re looking out the window together. Yep. This is a very cool looking intersection with a bunch of red brick buildings. Great place to slowly drink a beer and people watch.

This all seems very nonsensical but as mentioned I did just throw up my dinner for unknown reasons and I’m legit forgetting that I was told I’m going to have to massively rehaul my diet at some point in probably the not-so-distant future. I didn’t even write that part down from my dream a couple nights ago.

7/9/2024 –

I go into some straight up channeling shit and am told I’m basically just turning 21 from a spiritual perspective. Then a bunch of shit about the importance of my connection to Seattle and how this city is still in the grip of some unbelievably shitty drugs. My presence here has something to do with changing that. Sure.

Now a vision of this small pier at night and this glowing glass sci fi looking orb lurking just under the surface. I get the impression that the point is to lure people on the pier and into the blackened depths with the promise of the light. I mean, sure. The narcotics epidemic is worse than ever. I’m now shown this sky drone view shot above a residential neighborhood in the city and this slightly metal looking logo with jagged edges comes into the picture spelling out the word:


Yeah, I mean. You’re just going to implode on narcotics really.

After this a very odd dream where I’m having a sleepover in some unknown person’s apartment. I suddenly then become a Radio Shack employee and I’m just standing there as they start filming this commercial. There are these 2 semi-famous character actors (who I can’t identify upon waking up), and they’re doing this marginally funny bit and I’m just standing in the shot a few feet away from them wondering what the fuck is going on. It feels like some time passes and now the same thing is happening again, this time with 2 completely different actors (who I also can’t identify after waking up). The second time around though, the strangeness of the charade gets to me.

“Like, what the fuck, you’re filming this commercial right while I’m standing here and I’m clearly in the shot.”

They’re a bit confused by this too when I point it out and they look at each other for a sec before one of them has a light bulb moment:

“Wait a minute. Maybe you’re supposed to be in the shot.”

Later while meditating Dire Straits enters my perspective, the song Money for Nothing in particular. Then a vision of Mark Knopfler sitting down while floating in a void. Across from him is this collage of clouds that he’s filling in. It almost seems like a puzzle video game where he’s supposed to be filling in this entire rectangular space with smaller rectangular box sections of clouds and he’s sort of moving them in or out in a sideways Tetris like fashion. It’s mostly filled in but he’s got to get another row in the top middle section for it to work correctly.  

7/10/2024 –

The first thing I remember is a vision of these two women. One is what I’d guess to be Native American and dressed in a cool looking modernized retro red track suit and the other is a black woman dressed in a similar looking blue getup. They’re both very athletic looking and train together, which is the whole point of the montage I’m watching. Wow. Just wow.

They are doing the most intense workouts imaginable and periodically throwing each other around in this gymnastics dance type fashion that’s just beyond what I’d think would be possible in waking reality but not too much. Like, I’ll prolly see this in a few years as the power of algorithmic suggestion increases the bounds of what we understand to be athletically attainable. Then the voice in my head:

“This is why the baseball tournament isn’t taking place in Utah.”

Lol. That kind of fem love def has the potential to freak out the squares.

In the next situation I can bring back to reality I’m in the high-rise sitch once again. I’m on a high floor, it’s the middle of the night and I’ve wandered off to go to the bathroom. At a certain point I’m staring at these vending machines and that’s where I get suspicious. This is my condo right? So why the fuck are there vending machines? It certainly seems off and when I look to my right things get increasingly not right (pun intended). I was just assuming it was a cityscape flickering through the adjacent window but it’s like a bunch of metallic cubes powered by blue energy orbs in their centers.

The whole thing is a reference to these stupid computer code levels I played through in Fallout 4 earlier in the week. I know this immediately which makes go lucid. But what I’m looking at is sort of stupid, just like the video game levels its referencing. The gameplay was satisfying there but man, the graphics were shockingly terrible. This isn’t quite as bad but I’m not really impressed either. The most amusing thing was how the blocks were somehow creating the illusion of a bustling cityscape. My mind was just filling in the blanks I suppose.

Regardless, since I realize that I’m dreaming, I sort of start to fly out into the blue energy block world but I do in fact remember the advanced lucidity tactics. I try to create a portal to warp into but fail. Upon waking I was disappointed by this but then I remembered something. A few days ago, I saw a lucid scene that I didn’t think looked up to snuff. I then warped myself into that world and it did in fact mostly suck. Warping myself into a stupid looking graphics world was the wrong answer in this scenario so I suppose I’m glad it didn’t work and that was the point. The advanced lucidity training program continues to complexify itself in thematic depth. Fascinating.

What else? I’m at a yearly family gathering at this very old money seeming restaurant. It’s this black with gold lined walls fancy pants place that feels overwhelmingly dusty and stuffy to me. Like, you can tell it’s super expensive and if you were going to spend a bunch of money to have a fancy party, why would you spend it at this joint? It just seems dead and you can tell has a customer base that’s quickly dying off. Very Godfather like mafioso vibes when I think about it honestly. 

But whatever. The food seems OK and we have these gatherings here every year. Some old rich relative pays for it and man oh man can some of us not wait to get the fuck out of there. After we’re done eating, that’s pretty much the play. There are limited spaces in the first car to leave though and I sort of have to do some social maneuvering to get a spot. This goes into a fucked-up scenario where I’m working an otherworldly type of construction job.

I’m riding on the back of these weird trucks that have these enormous chainsaw blades that I have to keep dodging to climb to the top of the back of the truck as it turns. Almost like a firefighter dodging a moving ladder during the turns I suppose but with enormous chainsaw blades. The point is that it’s dangerous as hell and you have to pay really close attention to what you’re doing.

But that’s not really the point, is it? The point is that there’s this older sexist asshole crew leader dude who keeps razzing this younger lesbian woman. He basically just keeps insisting she’s a coward who isn’t assertive enough and doesn’t stand up for herself, which culminates in this ridiculous sequence where there’s this other construction dude who’s minorly blocking a street we need to get through, and the misogynist asshole crew leader dude’s all:

“See? That’s a power play. That guy has one tire in the street but it’s just enough that we can’t get our equipment through. He’s pretending like he doesn’t notice but he’s fucking with us in purpose and taking as much time as possible.”

Then he looks at the gay woman all:

“She’s way too much of a coward to ever pull anything like that.”

And with this, she takes a full wheel barrow of what appears to be manure, walks over to the stalling bro and dumps it all on his feet. To which we all laugh, then head on through to take our lunch break. The misogynist bro is impressed.

“She really wanted to get to lunch.”

We all laugh and laugh.

The fact that I had two dreams about gay women after reading a Buzzfeed article explaining to me the slang concept of U-Hauling is genuinely amusing I must say.  

In the next situation it’s this lavish party in what feels like a European country. The food is absolutely outstanding and it’s like we’re outside in the middle of the night but its still light out, so it must be something north in the summer. Whatever the sitch, eventually time starts warping. It’s sort of stopping and starting again periodically in a herky-jerky fashion.

Because of this so I go over to the outdoor guesthouse type structure where my friend is holed up with this guy to suggest we get the fuck out of D. She’s a thin woman with a short brown bob cut and time has actually frozen mid blowjob when I walk in. I don’t appear to be stuck in the same loop and I’m waiting for her to jibe back into the flow again. When she does I’m sort of like:

“Tick tock. Tick tock. We need to head (pun intended again).“

The dude who’s knob she’s servicing inevitably thinks this is a tad rude and she’s explaining to him that given the time jumping circumstances it was in fact the right thing to do and she would have done the same. It seems like she’s going to finish up the blow job though because I mean, basic decency.


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