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Top Floor View of the Cosmic Clock

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

8/12/2023 -

Liminal state images of immaculate spaceships of the sporty 4 max passenger variety. Constant snapshots caught in a bendable state. What exactly the ship looks like depends slightly on the viewer but they'll always look slick. What's crazy here is that this makes perfect sense when I'm half under. It feels right but then I wake up like:

"Immaculate spaceships?"

I only sort of understand but soon I'm once again in the "my brother and I got a high rise condo" dream scenario. This time I'm sleeping in my room and I can tell these fantasy warrior people have shown up outside my brother's door up the hall to pay him a visit. When I say fantasy warriors, what I mean is that they look like fantasy characters right out of a video game except that there are 4 of them and one looks like a super futuristic robot under his fur cloak. Either that or it just has a fancy futuristic looking mechanical mask. So it's anachronistic intentionally, like these space brothers, sisters, and nonbinary explorers exist ahead of us in time and behind us simultaneously.

If I'm being honest, from an aesthetic standpoint I am not a fan of this sort of thing in the waking world at all but since these weirdos are hanging out in my fancy high rise condo, I mean, I might as well stop over and say hi. When I do, they promptly warp me through an astral dimensional portal into their realm and holy fucking shit.

Once again getting into more real than real, more energetically intense than waking life conscious experience territory. In fact, it's all so otherworldly I'm struggling to put it into words. To otherworldly for words. Of course I'm going to try though because you know, it's sort of my thing.

Just like the fantasy art attire of these far out far out peeps, their world retains the same futuristic old world charm. Heightened perception futuristic time travel telepathy and cobblestone cave dwelling vibes all the way down.

What I do remember is how ridiculous and hilarious what happens next is though. So once I enter this realm there is this very voluptuous woman wearing tight fitting almost medieval style clothing, cleavage a poppin' and such. And yet, I now know I'm dreaming and that leaning into this temptation isn't the answer. I know the dream realm is going to fade if I do and I am lucid. I was the second they sucked me into their world. But why then? Why send a super voluptuous woman to greet me right as I'm summoned into your weird time bending dimension? Why indeed. If I had to guess, I'd say probably so I could recognize the lucidity and try some of the various dream control exercises I've been taught.

But of course I completely fail instead and start dancing with the cartoonishly stacked women. In fact, it gets to a point where I'm ecstatically jumping up and rhythmically dancing in a circle with all these other people. I'm near the center and I'm I'm just digging into this woman's rather large 'donk beneath her underwear right in step with the song and dance routine. Except that even I'm thinking, you know, I like a big ass as much as the next guy but this lady's is maybe a bit larger than my taste threshold on that front. She's a bigger white girl with dark shoulder length tightly curled hair wearing what I would guess to be a 1700's style dress maybe.

I'm not an expert on historical fashion but my hands are getting lost grabbing handfuls of her large behind while again thinking: This might be a little more ass than I was looking for but I mean, I'm not stopping either. While I'm thinking this my consciousness jumps upward out of my head with a white light burst and I pull back into a waking state where I'm told all of this had something to do with faerie phenomenon. This all tracks, faerie circle dancing and all. I suppose I was supposed to be mesmerized by the maximized curvage so I shouldn't be upset by my lucidity failure. I get the impression my failure to resist was the point.

When I get back under I'm now in this even more ridiculously swanky high rise condo situation. This place is absolutely choice and if truth be told, the sort of spot I'd probably have a hard time enjoying in actual life with all the wealth inequality. It's like we've got half of a condo building floor if not a penthouse and I'm on a date with Saoirse Ronan. We're chatting in this windowed room with a wrap around tan leather sofa.

There's chemistry and we start making out but when we do her entire being shifts into shapes of all these artfully done nude snapshots that bend into worlds behind worlds with forever type implications. The way all this looks is super goddamn cool and beyond the artiest of erotic art house movie cut scenes. I am not complaining about any of this but I must confess that I did feel a tad skeezy when waking up but according to Google she's 29 so that's not terrible.

It's so odd too because have I seen anything with her in it recently? Nope but I did click on a Buzzfeed article about celebrities who do and don't use fake names and she was mentioned among like 20 other people a few days back. She doesn't use a fake name. Very random. Also, in this arty photo array she has a very flat ass, which I'm very pleased with. So big asses to flat asses. I like both and the message about sexual aesthetics changing through time along with the ridiculous humor involved is once again not lost on me.

Anywho, while this arthouse sex sequence is happening we're interrupted by something else going on in the front room of the luxury digs. I go out to see what's up and what's going on is that my wife is throwing out this random dude she just had sex with. I get the vibe she just did this to anger me in some way and from here the whole experience gets very cinematic. I start narrating exactly what's going down sort of loudly in an suspect way on purpose. Like:

"I didn't even know you were here but you just slept with some dude. Right in front of me basically. Just some random guy!"

She explains that she was set up with him by a friend for drinks. And I'm like:

"But he's a total douchebag!"

"He's good looking!"

She counters even though she agrees that he's a douche. Whatever and again I'm maybe slightly jealous but what I'm really doing is signaling to Saoirse that she should try and slip out if she has an opportunity because even though my wife and I are in this alternate universe either split up or doing an open relationship thing, I obviously don't want her to know that I'm was just hooking up with a much younger woman.

What's crazy is that this ridiculous plan actually works and dream Ronan waits, then finds her opportunity and slips out the side door when my wife heads out back, giving me the "call me" hand gesture as she does. I then head out back to console my wife although I think I actually sort of want to have sex with her, which is again pretty funny. Holy fuck this condo is swank as we even have our own yard on like the 30th floor of whatever this building is. There's a glowing white energy bed in the middle of the balcony yard that my wife has receded to and I jump into the energy as well.

When I do, I now realize there's a wedding party on the lower floors of the condo tower that I was supposed to be attending. How did I forget about this? So I head out and I find this upscale conference room/classroom situation and it's pretty interesting honestly. It's like this music nerd event where a blocky plastic music playing device is being passed around the room. It seems like a song is chosen at random and people then volunteer to choose the song they want to follow it. So a track starts and people raise their hands wanting to be the one to choose the follow up track.

When they do, then other people get to guess the associations they made that lead them to connect the two tracks together and the person explains whether they're getting it right or not. Honestly, all of this seems like a very cool idea and I absolutely get the vibe that these are all music industry people of some variety. In fact, it doesn't seem like they're being chosen randomly at all but more that the presenter is just choosing people she knows from the business. It's still cool though but wait, was this the wedding event I was supposed to be attending? Maybe? I'm not sure so I should probably keep looking.

I do and I start following these stylish flight attendants. They seem to think the answer is these escalators we take upward to connect with these other elevators. When I start to ascend though, it sure seems like we're on the highest floor. In fact, I've never noticed this before but all the top floors of this building have huge windows intentionally designed to maximize the view of this obscenely excellent looking cosmic clock looking sculpture. The thing is all made of hyper precise dark gray metal clock work components. And yet, is it a merely a sculpture or more a device that's warping all of our perceptions of time, making the narrative potential of the high rise scenario effortlessly endless?

When I wake up the first track that comes up on my shuffle is Infinity Machines by Gnod. Infinity machines indeed.

8/13/2023 -

All night I'm in the same hypnagogic scenario. I'm trying to fit a piece of intricate high end cosmic clock machinery into this floating room. The room looks like a rectangular elevator cabin with no windows and has a cut out square section where this machinery is supposed to essentially snap into place but it's hard. The metaphor of me trying to fit a scenario into the right time and place is not lost on me here as that's the whole exercise, matching the time with the place, essentially. But again, this isn't easy and I spend most of the night trying to find the right piece to fit with this floating astral plane elevator cart while continually getting frustrated.

Eventually its shown to me that the person inside the cart has to change to accommodate this and the person inside is definitively me. I warp my persona like a cartoon and now the time fits with the place. The phantasmal machinery is go. I'm still more than a bit confused by this but now it's fleshed out in a dream. Here an old friend of mine texts me to let me know that another old friend could use my help and I'm given her location so I head out to meet up.

When I do, I realize she's at this Boys and Girls club type recreational center for lower income peeps. I hang out for a bit and when I run into her she asks if my wife and I have any odd jobs we could throw her way, which I automatically tell her we don't unfortunately without even really thinking about it, and quickly blow her off.

I then proceed to hang at this place for a little while longer, reminiscing about how my mom used to take me to similar spots when we were young and she had no money. It's like they're also a thrift store selling CD's and I browse for a bit but don't find anything. Eventually I leave and as I'm putting my Jordan's back on I think to myself, I probably shouldn't have worn Jordan's to a place like this (even though the ones I do own were massively discounted, which is the only reason I own them). I can tell some of the kids had been playing in them and damaged them slightly but I'm cool with this.

Then I head back to where I was staying a few blocks away. It's this huge white fantastical almost ivory tower situation and the over the top nature of the metaphor is not lost on me at all.

While you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do.


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