May/June 2021 -
First off back in May at some point I’m told straight up that I’m continually flying around the astral plane. I must confess that I’m a bit baffled by this as I still tend to think of consciousness as being more localized, which it’s not. To me, it feels like a human lying in bed to a certain extent so I don’t conceptualize what’s happening as me projecting into different dimensions but this is precisely what they’re informing me. I must confess I’ve been writing about the whole ganj-i-tation wormhole thing forever and now I find it all increasingly intriguing. It feels almost exactly like I’m entering warp speed through a living arty womb tunnel, which is always sort of startling when it takes hold. I’ll be altering my perspective on my travels moving forward because of this and I love how they just let me think about it the other way for 20 odd years, then were like: now’s the time for you to conceptualize it differently. It’s certainly more of an amusing story.
On another note, I had this extremely intricate semi lucid exploration mission where I was on a team playing a new living video game. Unfortunately I can’t entirely remember the details but I can still feel its labyrinthine intricacy. Eventually we found this room where there were these portal devices that almost look liked huge cylindrical Dance Dance Revolution style arcade games, but clearly set up to come across more like techno shrines for some unknown in-game religion. I somehow instinctively knew how to operate the things, which involved standing in a prescribed space roughly 10 feet away from the shrine mind interface and tapping in telepathically. The port then flashes quickly in green when I establish a connection with instinctive internal gestures. I also somehow know that the purpose of this exercise is to determine what level I’m at in the game, like checking into a pause menu to gauge your stats.
When I do this a stream of insane psychedelic ancient god style art reaches into my soul structure and starts spewing itself across the room and into me. All the other players can see it and we’re like, holy fuck, we’re for the most part totally leveled up. There seems to be some bafflement with how this was achieved so quickly but I get the vibe I personally had the cheat codes on an almost unconscious level and wouldn’t even be playing the game if I didn’t. Weirdly, this is not a new theme in my astral enclave explorations.
I didn’t think much about this dream for a while as I only truly remember the last bit I relayed, but the more I thought about it, the more its resemblance to the psychedelic experience left me in deep contemplation. The whole vibe of the art-splosion was eerily familiar. What if that is what you’re doing with psychedelics, which is almost akin to an in-game pause level check in an RPG? What if that’s why the outcome is so subjective? Certainly an interesting theory.
Later on the morning of June 5th to say I warped my way into an incredibly intriguing cosmic narrative would be understating in mildly. At first I’m in this living film. There’s a dude who’s directing the entire experience and I’m a participant but I’m also psychically bound to the entirety of thing. The bad news is that I do not remember a ton about what was going on other than that I thought it was arty plot wise and aesthetically. I remember pleasantly digging it (although not super enthusiastically) and suddenly I’m in a lucid state staring at the impressive imaginal realm set dressing. This ends with me staring out off a balcony into a gorgeous sunset and marveling at the beauty of the color display, which is something I had just done roughly a week prior with my wife when a similar occurrence happened outside our living room window. This is the ending to this particular immersive film and it’s a solid conclusion.
Now I’m in some sort of higher vibrational swank bar and I’ve assumed the persona of the director. He’s meeting up with his highly influential father who eventually shows up and sits next to him, gin and tonic in hand. He’s clearly sort of drunk and kind of dickishly declares that he’d love to see a movie about a director who doesn’t understand this word that I don’t really recall. It seemed to come across as “profane” in the dream but I was actually seeing the meaning he intended as a bubble of images and associated feelings in a crackling portal by his head.
What he meant was a person who didn’t understand how the higher godly realms were connected to the lower ones. Someone who didn’t get the connection between the two and the transcendent beauty that comes from that connection. Remember, I’m the director son here and I can tell he’s not only being a bit of an asshole, but he’s taking a dig at me. He thinks I don’t understand this concept and it’s a jab at the film I just lived through (although not as the director). And that’s where multi-dimensional story telling like this gets far out fascinating. I just lived a story the director made and my impression is that the son absolutely understands this concept.
The son’s sort of irritated with his dad for being a dick and comes back to clarify and says:
“You mean like a dilettante?”
Except again, it’s like this is the best word he can come up with but its not necessarily the best word. His dad agrees and they sort of laugh. I can feel how the director is sort of hurt by this but also all of a sudden there's a lightbulb moment and he’s like:
“You know what? That’s actually an excellent fucking idea!”
And with that I warp back to my corporeal form. Jesus, I think I just explained our hell reality. It’s basically an arthouse parody film about an idiot god. More to the point, it’s crueler than necessary because of some unresolved familial bullshit among archons. I don’t even think the Dad watched the kid’s fucking film before judging it. This one’s crazier. Imposition of order = escalation of chaos. That’s the underlying joke. God help us all.
