3/22/2023 -
It's sort of amazing how consistent the theme of me being a entity of pure psychedelic energy that's only temporarily inhabiting a body has been lately. In this instance, I'm a kaleidoscopic over stylized cartoon basketball player. I'm trick dribbling around weightlessly outside of my head, then I skillfully jump inside myself and I wake up with a start. I'm sure me watching the show Winning Time before I went to sleep had a decent amount to do with this variant on the theme.
What else, later in the night I'm watching a cartoon basketball game from above and the only thing I remember is that one of the team's names was the San Diego Auras. I must confess that the Auras is a cool name for a sports franchise.
One other minor dream. The Haunted Objects podcast (which I've never actually listened to but comes up in my Twitter feed) is scheduled to record an episode in my Mom's old house from my childhood but there is a problem. I also sort of last minute got scheduled to play music on a radio show at the same time and for some reason I have to do this through my amplifier rather than direct in. I'm set up in the adjacent room to them so I'm explaining that it's going to be super loud and annoying. It's like, sorry, me playing guitar is going to be really irritating while you're recording that podcast. Wish there was something I could do about that. I then pick up my guitar and start playing this lower D string riff that involves a minor amount of tapping. I'm just fucking around but even in the dream I realize: I could probably turn that into a song.
3/23/2023 -
I'm some sort of disembodied form of consciousness looking at various scenes involving a school through this circular portal. From this vantage point I can bounce around through varied scenarios involving this school unbound by the confines of typical linear timespace perception. I'm also tweaking things here and there to calculatedly control the nature of the lesson plan and what's interesting is that I'm not doing this in a classroom sense. Their lives are the classroom and I'm tweaking their life situations, friendships, romantic entanglements, and what not. Again though, very subtle. I'm waiting for the right moments, then very calculatedly nudging them in specific directions. Sort of like manufacturing synchronicities in a way. But I know these minor tweaks have the potential to alter the educational narrative substantially.

Later, in a liminal state I'm told:
"You're not supposed to be here."
Well, I was just told by whatever you want to call God that it tried very hard to keep me out of this realm and failed. I keep having dreams where I've already graduated college but for some reason I just keep creepily hanging around, so...
Not long after I have this vision where I'm now watching a sports documentary about a particular championship team and it gets to a profile on this very specific player. What was so great about this guy? He was willing to do all the boring shit the other players didn't want to do and they never would have won it all without him. Like say, incarnating into this ridiculous farce of a reality? So many aspects of my waking life are in fact so shockingly dull. Christ, I work in software support for about the boringest kind of software imaginable.
Not long after that I'm at a what's honestly like a family summer camp that's aesthetically straight out of the late 70's. This goes on for a while but honestly only two things of note ever happen. First, my Dad tells us he really wants us to write him a Christmas song and sing it to him at Christmas, to which I get super negative and respond:
"All Christmas music is fucking terrible. Like seriously, it's all crap. There's never been a good Christmas song."
But then I catch myself, start scanning my brain for all Christmas music that exists, traditional and contemporary, and I'm like:
"Well, Angels We Have Heard on High, I guess."
That is the freaking jam. I keep ranting though and honestly this would seem sort of stupid but it has supreme significance. Don't get me wrong, I've always hated the creepy consumerism associated with Christmas, but I'm being such an overly negative prick in this situation. I had a fucked up auto-immune disease/mood disorder for most of my adult life. It absolutely sucked but it's not like I didn't learn something. Again with the dirty work.
Later we're showing up for a party at some other family's house. Before we make it in, we run into one of the other guests outside. It's this decent looking kid in his early twenties and he's telling us how he just fucked up with two different women online by accidentally saying the wrong thing. When he mentions this I look over and realize that I've arrived with a woman who looks exactly like Lauren Graham and I'm like:
"Kid, this is your lucky day."
He doesn't understand but I know that this Lauren Graham looking dream older woman just so happens to be looking for no strings attached sex. She's already got the thirsty eyes.
Sort of seems like something on another level of reality set that up, doesn't it?
