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What Strange Intuition Brought Me Here?

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Jun 29, 2024

6/17/2024 –

I’m hanging out with these people that seem like they’re in their early 20’s. This one leather matrix outfit woman is coming on to me and her male friend does not understand why I’m intentionally not picking up on this. Eventually he pulls me aside and I have to be like:

“Dude. I’m old. I know this might sound hard to believe but I don’t actually want to hook up with women who are way younger than me. It’s legit kind of creepy.”

The odd thing being that I’m not sure I would have understood this entirely as a young man either.

Now I’m in the high-rise scenario again and I’m putting together a bitchin’ omni dimensional mixtape, although in this scenario it’d be a playlist I suppose. In the midst of this excursion a couple of my friends remind me of the studio they set up for me in the basement area of this particular high-rise variant. I head down there and shit. Yeah, there’s this weird claymation computer thing with a bunch of colorful CD cases melded into the side.

I completely forgot about some of those tracks and they have to make the cut. Hell, I forgot about the albums entirely. It’s also super duper weird because it’s all medieval modern vibes. Shit legit feels like it’s in the bottom of a castle that’s also an old classic building downtown. Normally I’d hate this sort of thing but in this sitch I don’t hate it. In fact, it’s strangely ritzy as fuck and I walk around thinking about how it’s maybe a bit materialist for my liking. Can I convince myself I’m important enough to have my own swanky castle studio at the bottom of an astral tower? I’m thinking I can.

I also seemingly slip into another mind state at some point though. As I’m wandering the elevated halls I run into this queen and her coterie of witches. When she sees me it’s a bit awkward because she’s all:

“Oh, the magick son of the rival queen who put out a hit on me.”

Sensing that I’m in danger I react to the witches.

“Go ahead. Try your weak bullshit on me. It will do nothing. Please do not make me unleash my sorcery on y’all. If you do it’s your funeral. I don’t want that on me.”

Type vibes. Later I’m pulled into another tile floored sun flooded expanse and all I remember are these witches going:

“He’d be so much better a magickian if he wasn’t such a dick.”

Fair point. Second night in a row they’ve pointed out how I need to learn to manage my mood disorder better. Shit ain’t easy.

One more scenario where I’m like helping run a children’s summer camp that’s like adjacent to the school I’m working at. The main thing I remember is that a teenage Brent Barry, who’s another one of these camp counselors walks in and he’s all:

“Hey I don’t mind man, I’m on the clock.”

Internally I’m thinking about how he’s a spoiled rich kid son of a basketball players and it must be easy to have a happy go lucky attitude like his when that’s your sitch. Dream camp counselor me certainly is judgmental but he also has a point.

6/18/2024 –

I’m having a vision of the Fallout 4 map and in this one section I’ve installed a new fan made DLC type mod. It involves this sort of average looking white guy with a bowl cut who wears a plain white t-shirt and jeans. I’m not entirely sure how I know this just from looking down at the icon indicating this questline on the map, but it’s lackluster. There are too many quests (13 total which is weirdly specific). The quests are boring and they don’t really tie to the plot of the larger game very well. These are all my complaints with this fan made expansion and since this is the only vision I’ve had so far on this night I dig into the meaning a little further internally and what I’m told is:

“People are boring.”

Which is a metaphor that works on a couple different levels. On one hand, the character in the game is boring. On the other hand, someone decided to spend their time making this overly long expansion and you know, what kind of people spend their time making a long boring Fallout mod? Also, and this is important, while I’m critiquing the mod I am well aware that there is absolutely nothing compelling me to install or play the thing. I feel like that’s important.

Anyway, I do have a few more visions, all involving this fictional Fallout map and various fan created mods. One in the lower right corner of the map involves this woman in a fancy red dress. It’s an interesting mod from a writing standpoint but very short, with only 2 missions total. As I’m pulling out of a sleep state I eventually find myself in this other mod, which involves an old timey colonial town. Then when I’m meditating later in the morning I pull into another one that involves a hockey game. That’s about all I remember.

6/19/2024 –

I’m in what seems like Europe somewhere and I’ve agreed to do this talk show/panel discussion type thing. I arrive with a couple of friends and it’s this ridiculous spectacle. It’s like we’re doing this performance in an amusement park castle type environment with a huge audience pit below us. It honestly feels like Sea World in a way. Anyway, my friends are getting increasingly suspicious about the thing and I’m pretty much like:

“I mean, I agreed to do this shit and we came all this way so I’m not going to back out now.”

Type vibes. Then when I’m getting ready for the event to start the stage manager guy informs me that they’re going to wheel me out in this medieval restraint type device, which is sort of like being wheeled out in a straight jacket Hannibal Lecter style. The idea is that I’m super dangerous and they need to do this to protect the audience. It’s obviously for show and fuck, it appears I have some sort of contractual obligation I need to fill so whatever. When they do wheel me out, my friends are now really questioning why I’m doing this and I’m all:

“Oh, I am absolutely trashing this show as the worst thing that’s every been on YouTube or whatever from the jump. Scorched earth. These assholes are going to regret ever asking me to do this bullshit because I’m going to make them look fucking stupid.”

That’s about where the vision fades out but in the next situation I’m now being interviewed on the Joe Rogan show (barf!). This isn’t quite as bad. My brother is also there being interviewed for some reason but it’s like Joe is intentionally talking about mundane worldly stuff on purpose. He’s seemingly, quite purposefully getting us to talk about normal guy shit. After a while, I’m getting sort of annoyed so I’m all:

“You know, what’s the point to having someone like me on as a guest if you’re not going to get weird? Screw whatever we were chatting about, I’m going to start telling some visionary stories that are actually worth listening to.”

These seem like random dreams but it’s actually a continuation of the “don’t be an asshole” message from the last several nights, with more specificity. When people are framing you as a danger based on stupid ass religious hysteria, be as big a dick as you want. Torch them. When it’s not that and they’re just avoiding how unbelievably strange you actually are, politely take control of the narrative and steer it in the right direction. Ok then.

Later down the road I’m now in a very odd sci fi scenario where I’m a part of this experiment that’s basically a prison. It’s white walled though, so insane asylum would be more accurate. As mentioned, they’re studying us so it’s not technically prison and it seems like we’re allowed to use our phones and what not. I do not understand how we got signed up for this. I’m sharing a room with like 3 other people and we’re all pretty annoyed with this situation, which makes sense because we’re essentially prisoners. We’re also all wearing these white sci fi collars around our necks that are seemingly both keeping us here and tracking…something.

At one point I realize that the point is to test our perception of time. They want us to lose all track of time and I can tell this because they’re seemingly giving us a digital display of the passage of time with intentionally incorrect information.

Anywho, to make a long story short, eventually we’re taken outside for what would be our equivalent of recess and we’ve concocted an escape plan. For some reason, all of our neck collar things seem to be tied to this one woman, so when the guards aren’t looking, we’re going to remove hers for her. Then we can remove ours and run. This does not seem to be super tough to execute, it’s legit like the guards never anticipated that we’d attempt this. They for whatever reason just didn’t think we wanted to escape.

So we wait until the right moment, remove the key woman’s neck device, then we’re all like:


And we all run off in different directions through this low key suburban looking neighborhood. When I do though, it’s conflicting. Sure, I’ve escaped, but I have no money, place to stay, etc. I’m not sure what at all I’m going to do, but I somehow end up in this bar. As I’m sitting there watching sports and chatting with a regular, this other dude rolls in, sits next to me, and very quickly starts going on this fuck the government, fuck the corporations style rant. He’s apparently affiliated with some countercultural activist group.

“Hmmm. This dude will seemingly help me out.”

I’m thinking to myself. Also, what strange intuition brought me here, to this exact spot. I suppose I was destined to find my way the entire time.  


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