And for the purpose of this post, we’re going to consider “the strangeness” the endlessly sparking fires of my divinely entangled psi web. I make no bones about the fact that what I’m trying to do with all this is unlock the hidden potentialities of the human imagination in those who engage with my work, but even I was surprised when things lined up like they did on March 12th, 2021. What happened on March 12th you ask? Well, on that day, two DM's with a few of my longtime readers lead to two thoroughly cosmic synchronicities in the course of one day. Is there a digital paper trail on both of those Thad? Glad you asked. Absolutely yes and if you still aren’t hip to the concept of technological synchromysticism yet, get hip.
So first this guy I hadn’t heard from in years and who I’d actually been wondering about gets in touch. We chat a bit and then he goes out of his way to introduce me to another musician who’d recently moved to Seattle. Always looking to meet new peeps into weird shit (who I typically only seem to know on the internet) and after the introduction I send him a friend request. You know, feel free to friend me as well as space has freed up there after being full in the Disinfo years and yes I know how much FB sucks so you can also e-mail me at Thad@imaginalrealms.com. As always, I do try and respond to nearly everyone who reaches out to me and mostly succeed at that.
Anywho, so after the social friending transaction goes down, the next day the first post of his that comes up in my feed has to do with an tape set he released called Eschatology selling out. Why is that eerie? Because I was also in a project that released an album called Eschatology. Here are the receipts.

Think about that one while noticing that even the artwork is a tad similar. Seriously, how many musicians have released albums (or tape sets) called Eschatology in their lives? Admit it, you don’t even know what that means so go look it up if you’re curious. I wouldn’t know if it didn’t directly relate to my old band’s sort of lame name, which I absolutely did not come up with (although I don’t like hate it either).
Now, how many of these musicians who put out albums called Eschatology are then introduced online right around the time one of them just so happens to be posting about this particular release, which is then the first thing from them that shows up in the other one’s feed? Is he into weird psi stuff? Yes as I later learned, reads Russell Targ and everything.
On The Nemesis Theory front, it’s absolutely the music I’m least proud of as I had very little creative control in the project (which I annoyingly whine about in my first book, boo!) but also, playing in an angry ass political band during the George W. Bush administration is a move that’s aged rather well I must confess. It was my punk phase. God, what’s crazy is how little of that there was going on at that particular point in time. I mean, there should have been but due to the recent massive media deregulation, most local metal bands we considered cool were cookie monster screaming about D and D nonsense. It’s almost like Fred Durst sucked so hard that loud music trendsetters were suddenly all: you know, fuck vocals entirely. Anything is better than that. It was hard to argue with them. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: we pretty much cornered the market on math rock inspired metaphysical rant metal in the early 2000’s.
But back to 2021. Later that afternoon another longtime reader/musician in an excellent and amazingly long running L.A. shoegaze band was messaging me about how she’s just finished my new book (for real though, $7.77 eBook about chatting with daemons, you know what to do). When she mentioned this, I point out specifically what I was bringing up earlier about how the intent is to up the liminal mind abilities in the reader and so I tell her to keep me updated with any results on that front.
Not long after she mentions this to me:
"In my dream this morning there was a guy that ate/digested with his arm, and I was in a laboratory setting watching like an x-ray or scan while he ate this squid thing with his hand and his arm contracted and contorted like when a snake swallows something. Ha."
Truth: I have no idea what to make of this at all so I’m like, uhhh, sure. I got nothing. She then decides to re-read my previous book, sometimes opening "random" pages and when she does, reminds me that I briefly mention the band These Arms are Snakes in it. Ahh, sweet precog. I write repeatedly in that exact book about how with me a lot of times what feel like absolute non-sequiturs in trance states end up being pre-cog related. That’s why the intel seems “random” as life’s like that i.e. unpredictable, often in amazingly mundane ways (not that the band These Arms Are Snakes are mundane, those dudes were typically pretty hyped up honestly).
Speaking of TAAS, I hadn’t put too much thought into that particular relic of early 2000’s Seattle angry music culture in more than a bit before she brought it up. Buuuut, later in the day I was like, oh yeah, what about the guitar player from that band’s post snake arms outfit? What the hell was their name again? That’s right, Dust Moth. Yeah shit, they’re good. Trippy female fronted almost like harder rock/spacey guitar energy. Hmmm, wonder if they’ve released anything lately?
Answer: They had just dropped a new album THAT FREAKING DAY! First album in 5 years. No shit, release date = the exact day I’m chatting with a fan about how the guitar player’s former band is mentioned in my last book, which she’s only mentioning to me because of a dream she had and a divination exercise that followed. Ruminate on the complexity of the sitch there for a second then look at the receipts (I know I’m going to have to stop saying that soon but that day is not today):

I do magick tricks. Also, I now officially declare March 12th do be: Omnidimensional Tech Sync Day. At least until someone else can top that display and once they do, OTS day will now be on whatever day those righteous events transpire. How about we like, eat nachos and get high or something as we need some sort of ritualism involved, don’t we? That work? You wanna listen to shoegaze music too? Okay, twist my arm, nachos, weed, and shoegaze it is next March 12th. Glad we could all agree there.