While we’re on the topic of strangeness engaging and such, a few weeks back I realized in scrolling through some files on my work computer that I’d completely spaced on a fairly compelling synchronicity last year, despite making a point of consciously trying to track the things. Before we get into this let me first say that my experience with the whole Robert Anton Wilson 23 phenomenon mythology is fairly limited.
In fact, the entirety of it essentially amounts to me accidentally starting a new music/film project with another R.A.W. fan on July 23, 2012. On that day, my brother came to the studio to pick up some copies of the just released album he played on and requested:
“23. Exactly 23.”
Copies via text. When I inquired as to why that particular number he was basically just like, it’s Michael Jordan’s number I guess. Now, he’s never even read R.A.W. but I later learned he also shares the guy’s birthday of January 18th, which made it weirder.
So partially because of all that we intentionally made a 23:23 second track/video and I swear to fucking god, the second we put that thing on the internet I saw the goddamn number 23 everywhere for a couple of weeks. Just everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. I of course have zero “proof” of this per se, but I will add that it hasn’t happened since. I intentionally engaged the 23 enigma, and the 23 enigma winked back at me.
Which is precisely what happened again when I was quarantine watching The Last Dance and posted this:

Now, after posting, what sometimes happens is I suddenly get busy at work and don’t have a chance to check up on the comments until later, which in this case was the following day. I do in fact maintain a mostly strict policy of almost never looking at social media unless I’m getting paid to do something else, which I highly recommend if you can manage it. Anyway, this is what confronted me the next morning when I finally had an on the clock sec to check back:

I engaged the thing, this is what happens. Now, from the tech sync front, you could say I faked this on purpose, but c’mon. I’ve been documenting this stuff for years and have lots of other examples. Why bother. Have I had any 23 related connective tissue experiences since? Nope. In fact, as mentioned, I completely forgot about this one until I accidentally stumbled on some old files.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, other than March 12th’s splendor (which of course you’ve read about by now, of course) this next one has got to be one of the most baffling displays of technological synchromysticism on record. In fact, I am not sure what to think about this shit at all when you get right down to it, and it ties to the overarching concept of the piece, which is? When you engage the strangeness…
Sooooo, when I was doing my yearly round up of tech syncs back in January I just so happened to stumble on this absolute gem, which had been sitting there for nearly two years just waiting for me to confront the topic head on apparently. What went weird? Well, when I finished the last Black Science album, I gathered all the audio files I deemed relevant to the project in its current state and archived it in a folder on a couple hard drives. What I didn’t realize until January 2021 though is that the folder size reads out on the screen as exactly 6.66 gigabytes. No shit.

Yes, that unbelievably odd sync had been sitting there for nearly 2 years, just waiting for me to briefly hover my cursor over it accidentally, while I was writing an article about technological synchromysticism. Again, you could say I faked this but that story gets a bit iffier when you dig into the contents of the folder:

I mean, it’s just the sound files for various albums in different formats and in looking at it I'm realizing I threw a few Thanaton albums in there as well probably by accident. Getting that exactly right wouldn’t honestly be easy given the material I’d be working with but also. I, uhhh, does this mean I need to put out more Black Science cuts to break this odd spell? Or does it mean the inverse, that I should leave it at that and name the next thing I do something different because those albums kill so hard.
I’m probably going with more tunes, but do I even have to point out how most metal bands pretend to be into the occult but then I pull off this shit accidentally. I’m not lying when I say that stuff will help you talk to gods if you ritualistically use it with psilocybin. That was in fact the design and it’s the EXACT sort of thing organized religion’s been trying to keep you away from for centuries.
