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Why Hasn't The Future Happened Yet?

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

6/5/2024 –

This long winding dream about all these people in this massive ship at sea that’s being attacked by these glowing sea monster creatures. This is all very cinematic and I wish I remembered more of the details. The main thing I do recall is that there’s a plan to kill all of these things with this fancy explosive tech. This crew goes down to accomplish this but I can’t entirely tell if it works or not.

Then there’s this other scene where this other group finds one of the living quarters areas and has tamped it down like a fortress. They’re all ready to fight if needed but I’m looking at this from a detached perspective going:

“But if the explosive thing doesn’t work, you’re all going to die anyway, so what’s the point to putting up this fight really? For show I guess.”

Again, I very much wish I remembered more of this because it was very entertaining but I am confused by the message, so I dig into it more. The point seemed to be that since I’m a being of imagination that exists outside of the level of reality the dream was happening on, I could have just chosen to wipe out the sea monsters myself no problem. It would have been like inputting cheats into a video game. I could have just annihilated these things or made them vanish into thin air. There was no need for the fancy explosive device or anything. Gotcha.

Later I’m waking up at my desk again in the Invisible College. I’m at the back of the class and have just slept through the thing once again. How do I so consistently fall asleep during these lesson plans? It’s genuinely strange. How does nobody notice that I’m always sleeping through these sessions? Anway, class is wrapping up, we were supposed to be working on something, yet I have no idea what the assignment even was. I’m getting the vibe it was supposed to involve writing about a topic you want and since there was freedom for the students to do what they wanted with the paper, most of them seem to have enjoyed the experience. Not me.

So I’m getting up to leave and doing the typical thing where I’m for some reason trying to carry a crapton of books. And there’s like cotton candy and other food stuck to the books that I’m awkwardly trying to carry around when these other kids from the class come up and are like:

“Why do you have all this weird shit you’re carrying around with you and none of the rest of us do?”

Yeah, good question. Why the fuck am I even here? As I walk outside to catch the bus home I for unknown reasons put on my headphones and start tuning into this odd radio station. They’re interviewing this guy who just took some sort of drug and that seems to be why they’re interviewing him. They want to see how his behavior has changed on the drug or whatever. I don’t entirely get it either but after listening for a bit I realize that I’m dreaming and because of that absolutely do not need a bus to get me home. I can just will myself there.

Which I do but now I’m in another bizarre situation. I’m sitting in a semi-fancy conference room type place. Very old money looking. There are I’d say maybe 10 other people on leather couches sitting around and I absolutely know that I’m dreaming. It’s so “real” that it’s always jarring and I’m just sort of marveling at the experience when this one balding dude with gray hair comes in with his son, sits down and starts chatting. He’s the dad of the guy who was on the radio show and he’s insanely proud and very much bragging about it.

The young man son character with dark curly hair is being humble but the dad is just beaming. I very politely start asking what was going on with all that. I caught the tail end but didn’t catch the beginning so you know, what was that all about? It seems like you were taking some sort of drug or something? I am being very cool about this and just making polite conversation to learn more about the experience but the dad is being a total dick to me, shutting me down at every opportunity and honestly just being rude. Like:

“How dare you ruin my son’s moment?”

Type shit. Except that I’m not, I’m legit looking for info about what the accomplishment even was. Regardless, the dad keeps being an asshole and it pisses me off. Since I know I’m dreaming I start flying around the room angrily. Then I sort of grab the young man by the face in a threatening way and the second I do this I’m all:

“You know? Apologies. That was going too far.”

And I fly out the window. When I do I’m in this almost only partially existing inferno situation. I mean, it genuinely looks like a volcanic hell realm that hasn’t been entirely fleshed out. I try to remember some of my advanced lucidity techniques but the scene fades out before I can dig into any of them.

All in all, the reason I got so pissed was because one, the guy was being a dick but mainly, like wow. Such a huge accomplishment. I went lucid in a dream realm which is something that almost no one accomplishes and no one gives me any fucking credit for it. Your kid went on a radio show. How amazing.

To say this isn’t a metaphor for how I sometimes feel in this talking monkey world would be an understatement. Will anyone in my family ever give a shit about what I’ve accomplished spiritually? Absolutely not. I just hung out with my dad the night before so you know, this all tracks. I have to be cool about this sort of thing.

6/6/2024 –

Once again in the high-rise scenario sitch, this time it’s also doubling as a dorm room. Nothing super uncommon. As I’m sitting out in the lobby area in a lounge chair with a couple of my brother’s college friends, I’m telling them about the fancy top floor gym area and how my brother never takes advantage of it. I swear I’m going to go hit that up this time. The most fascinating aspect of this is that I wake up and legit don’t know if I ever have. It seems like I’ve gone to the fancy upstairs condo area at least once but I’m not entirely sure.

Anyway, now I’m back in my dorm room reading this book like device. It’s a book with video where I’ve looked up a sporting event but then I’m confused. I’m wanting to look up the next one but I’m realizing: Wait a minute. It hasn’t happened yet somehow. Time doesn’t work that way here. I’m thinking I can just keep checking up on the next games with this device and the idea that in a certain sense they haven’t happened yet is genuinely confusing to me. I’m used to reading finished books not incomplete ones I suppose. Not a difficult metaphor to read if you know anything about the astral plane.

While I’m nerding out on this odd 5th dimensional book/device, Sigourney Weaver is hanging out in the lobby dressed in an all-white gown, laying on a lounge chair. After a while, she’s now lying down on my back legs as I’m face down still reading on my cosmic book phone, almost like she’s a cat or something. Then she gets up and starts chatting with me on a chair in the middle of the room. She’s complaining about how misguided our current conceptions of technology are but it’s sort of odd because there’s a distortion. It’s like I can understand the gist of what she’s saying but not the details. Because of the communication gap I keep tapping my temple with the pointer finger on my right hand.

We need to study the mind. We need to study the imagination. This is what I’m trying to communicate to her in the best way I can. She then morphs into a television with 7 from Stranger Things on it looking like she’s wearing some sort of Cerebro type metallic psi amplification device.

Except that this is not straightforward. You can see the psychic energy she’s exuding and it’s an absolutely glorious explosion of pinks, neon greens, and living black. Overwhelming in its otherworldly excellence. I start to understand that I’m dreaming but am not entirely sure what to do. I’m trying to psychically project the insane dark energy imagery out of the television. I’m looking to make it intensify but I can’t quite get it to escape the tube.

Pretty easy to read metaphor on both fronts though. Sigourney Weaver in a white gown. Aliens/angels. The idea that the future hadn’t happened yet bewildering me. A talk about tech that involves psi amplification helmets. I have to help get it off the TV and into the world and this isn’t necessarily going to be easy.

6/7/2024 –

Another variation of the European vacation recurring theme. It’s definitely been a while since I’ve run into this one and here it’s a trip to France and it’s like I’m either on a group tourist package thing or a college field trip. Feels more like a college field trip. Of course, everyone is super into this except me. I don’t even know why I’m here and I absolutely resent it. And again, it does seem like a trip to France is something that most people would dig, but I’m predictably not feeling it at all.

We have this slender woman with a strong chin tour guide who has shoulder length graying black hair and seems to be in her mid-50’s. I’m waking up as she’s driving this tour bus and I’m up front sitting right next to her when I come to. She’s kind of amazed I slept as long as I did.

“Yeah, if I’m not driving I can conk the fuck out on drives.”

I tell her.

“Good, because I don’t want to deal with your bullshit.”

She replies. I like this lady and as the sun comes up we’re entering out destination, which is this smaller town that honestly doesn’t look like France at all. Granted, I’ve never been to France but I imagine it has much older architecture. This shit’s all new and you know those modern farmhouse designs that are currently trendy? Modern church architecture. That’s roughly the best way I’d describe this vibe. The houses and buildings sort of look modern versions of small mini-churches. I’m trying to understand why people enjoy international travel and I’m sort of getting it. This does all look a lot different than what I’m used to. There’s a novelty to it.

When we get to our destination I’m realizing it’s this rather large all wooden lodge with this huge conference/dining room area where we’re eventually going to eat. The second I get there I bust out my leftovers from the night before and am immediately being judged for this by the staff. I sort of get it. They’ve prepared this massive feast for us and I’m spoiling my appetite. Then I’m like, fuck, I don’t speak the language.

“Can someone please tell them I have a weird auto-immune disease? I didn’t mean to offend anyone, I just couldn’t wait until dinner, again, because of my weird auto-immune disease.”

Ahhh forget it. The sassy brunette tour guide lady seems like she could easily tell them this but she’s not going to both because she doesn’t give a fuck and because it’s funny. Anywho, eventually the event dinner thing is starting and I’m looking around the table realizing I genuinely have zero good reason to chat with anyone who’s on this trip. Like, I have no interest in talking to any of them and there’s really no benefit in it either. It both won’t be interesting and there’s no real upside other than passing the time. This should be fun.

Even I don’t expect it to get as stupid as it does though. There are all these very hunky dudes sitting around the table and they start getting up and almost doing like a chain restaurant birthday song thing. Good god this is stupid but wait, it only gets worse as it eventually devolves into some dumb UFC nonsense with these handsome dorks squaring off against one another. UFC. Pretty much my least favorite sport and genuinely the only one that legitimately repulses me. Cool.

Now, out of nowhere I’m on this surrealist suburban street. I’m looking out my second story window and there are these two excessively average looking white men in business suits sword fighting in the middle of the empty road in front of the rowed cookie cutter housing.

“What the fuck? Am I going to have to call the cops?”

I think to myself. Then I realize that this isn’t serious. They’re doing some sort of suburban larping bullshit. I’m kind of irritated though, so I actually walk by them and tell them they should probably give the neighbors a heads up when they’re about to engage in these sort of shenanigans because I almost called the cops. To their credit though, did I really thing 2 dudes in business suits were actually sword fighting in the middle of the streets in the ‘burbs?

Now I’m back in France. I’m inside the same conference room/eating area finishing up my breakfast the next morning after the crap ceremony and holy shit. An enormous rockslide just went down right outside of the lodge we’re and we hear this enormous crashing commotion. We head outside and there’s an excellent wooden deck viewpoint overlooking the mountain face that’s now missing. The thing is too, I hadn’t actually come out to take a look yet so I didn’t know how it looked before, but now it looks like a cliff face of black cratered volcanic rock. Still honestly pretty but again, I don’t know what I’m comparing it to.  

The snark lady then interjects:

“Oh my god, please tell me you’re not going to let this ruin your vacation you Debbie Downer Americans. You can still hike to the tree view point thing.”

I’m all:

“Yeah, don’t let the deaths of like 50 people get in the way of your good time.”

On the other hand, the tree view point thing does seem pretty choice. I get the vibe it’s like an enormous treehouse on the top of the mountain that you can ladder to the top of.

I’m predictably what the fuck about all of this and as I walk back in astonished I’m all:

“Well, if anyone can continue to enjoy themselves while the world’s falling apart around them, it’s Americans.”


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