That may be a bit of a click bait-y headline that you’d expect would lead to me into some good ol’ fashioned snark ranting but nah, of course it involves something I was recently shown telepathically. Not that I hadn’t been ruminating on the nature of the concept for years before this happened, but it was a hell of a vision. The type that tends to stick with you. A lot of Occult scholars insist many traditions are largely derived from ancient shamanic practices and I agree. We’ve lost the basic fundamentals of the craft and have started hyper fixating on weirdly specific, mostly useless minutiae.
The problems with the western esoteric tradition mirror the exact flaws of western society. Glorified selfishness, crass individualism, and a callous disregard for the unseen interconnectedness that powers the whole operation in the first place. That’s largely beside the point though because this particular transmission involved the fairly stark limitations involved with what one might refer to as “magick”. Let’s get into it.
I’m ascending to the sky in this shimmering metallic yet narrow light filled corridor. I am in fact the light filling the corridor here and I know that I have what are almost like super powers beyond those of what would be your standard mortal (as it were) and this comes largely from the fact that I’m aware that I’m not human and they’re mostly oblivious. I’m a radiant beam of pure imagination and the obviousness and clarity of this reality has never been more immediate than it is in this state. I can mold myself in varying contortions in the confines of the corridor but that’s the problem. I’m moving through a solar tunnel and I can only push myself to the corners of the shimmering walls.
When I get to the edges, I try to push farther but it just resets me on my path. Not only does it reset me, but I can feel that this involves sleep. I eventually have to go to sleep and that's where my trajectory is re-routed. I can bend the reality around me, but eventually it’s just going to lead me back in the same direction. What’s frustrating is that I’m trying to bend reality in favor of these other super friends but I’m realizing there’s only so much I can do. When I start getting too far off the path, I run into the reflective walls and it prods me in the right direction. It’s not that I can’t help, it’s just that this help has to exist within my prescribed line of motion. There’s only so far I can stretch the imaginative force and it has to fit within the larger plot structure.
So it’s not like sorcery does nothing, but it can only do so much. It is absolutely not the “bend reality to your will” nonsense con men douchebags have been pitching forever. Again, this isn’t coming from me. I had a whole night involving permutations of this concept repeating in my spirt.
You know what else? Constant reminders of how a lot of the “spells” I cast over a decade ago have blown up in my face. I was asking for specific things. They tried to warn me. It’s not like these exercises have failed, not at all. They worked. It’s just that they created some tedious situations that will continue to be tedious for quite some time I imagine. I was being a primadonna with that bullshit and it’s the exact bullshit every YouTube occult celebrity’s getting rich pushing currently.
My spirit guides tried to warn me, now I’m warning you. It doesn’t work like you think it does. You should not be specific with your requests from otherwhere. The problem is that you don’t know what you want and our culture is 100% leading you in the wrong direction. You should really only be casting spells with a few vague intentions.
Step One: Find a Path (particularly if you don’t feel like you have a purpose in life)
Step Two: Stick to it, always moving upward
Turn inward to find the right trajectory in your life, then try to live your best life on that trajectory. Everything else should really be a variation on that. In another vision I’m driving some friends around in a car when out of nowhere a surreally intense quick burst of wind hits us. We’re thrown off the road and shaken, but when we re-group we realize we’re completely unharmed. Our car’s trashed though and now we have to walk.
I pull out of this parable and am told it represents the currents of sorcery I was playing with in my youth. I was baited into tinkering with this stuff I might point out and it’s becoming increasingly clear as to why that is. I’m supposed to call BS. It’s dangerous. I walked away from the crash but will you? If pretty much anyone at all heeds my warning, I’ll have done my work here.
A couple weeks later I receive another continual hypnagogic bombardment. I’m existing in this oft unpleasant skeezeworld but I’ve managed to encircle myself with a golden glowing cocoon of contentment. It might be ugly as hell everywhere I look but I remain un-phased. Nothing can penetrate the calm warmth of my inner bliss solar combustion.
Here’s where it gets fascinating, the reason I need to develop this ability has to do with what ends up coming out of me. If I can establish this inner god state, my influence on the world will always be delightfully impeccable and that’s the whole point now, isn’t it? They’re reminding me of my goal. No toxic garbage spews from the depths of a glorious inner sanctum. Wow, to say I’m a long way from achieving this would be a enormous understatement but good point. That. That’s real fucking magick.
It’s also essentially what people like Tibetan monks have been preaching forever. For someone who struggled with untreated hypothyroidism for nearly a quarter century, this didn’t seem remotely possible before, but now? Maybe. Maybe I can in fact pull this sort of always smiling monk shit off. Almost to hammer home a joke though, I wasn’t in the greatest mood for the first half of the next day because life wouldn’t be perfectly hilarious if I was now, would it?