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You are the Ones Who are Dead

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

5/9/2023 -

First I'm told that the last few nights of dreams had more to do with how alcohol influences decision making than I was considering and sure, that definitely tracks. I would certainly look far older than I am if still shut down bars midweek. The rest of the night involves dreams about my extended family and the concept of me having contractual obligations in this life. First I'm hanging out in my old Ohio bedroom and sort of only interacting with my family when needed.

At one point they're putting on this celebration of Star Wars. They've done up all these elaborate costumes. I come down from my room mildly amused but I do have a note. It's supposed to be a celebration of our childhood but I've actually watched far more Star Wars in the last decade than I ever did as a kid. That's my note. The costumes look cool though.

Further down the road they're all eating dinner together and I'm chilling in another room adjacent to them. I hear my dad joking around and suddenly know that he's not going to be alive much longer, so maybe I should be eating dinner with them. And there we are with the contractual obligations thing.

I've mentioned this before, but I somehow accidentally ended up in the same metro area as both of my elderly parents and yet I do not think this was accidental. It was to me consciously. They've been bugging me to move closer to them for a while as well but my wife has actually decided that's not happening (and not because of them). So the whole scenario where we're living in the same house but I'm mostly isolating up in my room by myself also tracks. I must confess, I did not put the constant dreams of being back living with my parents and me accidentally living in the same city as them together until like a week ago. Those dreams never were "random" apparently.

5/10/2023 -

In this vision a woman owes some criminal organization a bunch of money so they attempt to murder her. Except that she doesn't die but instead ends up in the hospital incapacitated instead. Since she doesn't die, the criminal now starts ruthlessly harassing the woman's family in an attempt to get the cash. Her family members are completely baffled and shocked by the callousness involved and have zero clue how to react to it. Ahh, such a disturbing vision of capitalism in a nutshell and I love how her being in the hospital on life support just makes her debt continue to skyrocket because America. I somehow know this is about my mom and yes, they confirm this to me as I pull into a liminal state.

Now I'm in a giant mess hall type situation that is also some sort of sports viewing facility I guess. I don't entirely get it but there are like 2 main rooms. There's the chill room and the official dining room. The only thing that's significant here is that my long deceased grandparents from the other side of my family are here and at one point sort of intentionally ditch me to go eat in the official dining room area with some other guests. I look in and realize that they wanted to eat with these other unidentified folks and clearly didn't want me to be a part of that dinner engagement, but also didn't want to tell me this. There are lots of ways I could interpret this honestly, I mean, I am a complete freak. They were wealthy so is it tied to the debt dream about the other side of the family directly proceeding it? Probably.

5/11/2023 -

I am pulled out of a dream by a frog comprised of sentient black mist that's sitting on my chest. Honestly, this is the first prototypical sleep paralysis entity visitation I've had in a while and you could feel the weight of the thing pushing my chest down. I have zero ability to recall what dream it pulled me out of unfortunately but something was communicated though which translates pretty directly to:

"You are the ones who are dead!"

A bit down the road I have a vision. In it, a copy of me comprised from black mist detaches from my body and starts floating up into the sky. For a brief moment it stops at a bridge overpass in my neighborhood that I often walk my dogs over. It seems like it's just stopping to enjoy the view briefly before it then floats into the stratosphere. When I wake up, the thyroid depression I've been fighting for the last several days does seem to have lifted.

Before I woke up though I did have yet another excursion into my brother's downtown high rise (the one we share with several other rotating people). Truthfully, I have zero clue what the meaning of this astral enclave I've created for myself even is, but I do visit often. This time it's a bit different though because it's on the first floor. Very gorgeous architecture and as I explore I'm seemingly remembering parts of the place that I'd forgotten. Have I been here before in my dream life? No clue. The coolest part of this involves gazing out of window at all the high rises in the adjacent neighborhoods. Oh hey, that is different. Normally this place is downtown but this time it's in this fictional north Seattle neighborhood I've also invented.

I suppose one of the benefits to being on the ground floor is that we have this awesome patio space. I'm lounging in the sun on this reclining beach chair and looking at the towering stone building above me. It's definitely a different type of view. Later I'm in the lobby area and I remember the roof deck pool. And that is the strangest part of this experience. Remembering how many times I've been in a different variation of this high rise over the years and how each time it's slightly different. As I'm pulling out of a dream state I briefly have a hard time distinguishing whether or not this place exists in the skin world. Alas, no. I absolutely have never gone in on a high rise condo with my brother, nor even stayed in one for any extended period of time in my entire life. And yet, so many memories.


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