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You Can Never Turn it Off

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

5/6/2024 –

Extended dream where I’m just driving around various parts of this fictional neighborhood of Seattle I’ve created at night with a guy I knew in high school. What are we doing? Uhhh, shopping basically. Except I don’t even remember buying anything or what we were shopping for exactly. I think we hit a bowling alley at one point to break up the shopping.

The main thing I remember is that after the nocturnal shopping excursion, we’re back at his place and there’s this scene where we’re looking at color patches for a room in his pad he’s going to repaint. This leads into a conversation about how ridiculously fussy I can be about these kind of things. We’re trying to decide between two different shades of black on these swatches and I’m going into OCD mode. I’m explaining to him that this is how I get with graphic design. I will move one word around a book cover for hours trying to pick the exact right position. True story in the waking world.

That’s really about it outside of this one other scenario. I’m an assistant coach on an NBA team and I’m mad at the coach. I’m calling him out. He never really believed his team were championship contenders. I believed but he didn’t. He thought they were good, but he didn’t actually think they were title contenders. That’s all I truly remember.

5/7/2024 –

My mom wants me to come with her to this family gathering in North Seattle but I really don’t want to go. I’m supposed to be heading out soon and I know I’m going to be bored as hell at whatever this thing is. But she pushes for it and I somehow agree. When we start driving away from Beach Hill though, I get fed up.

“You know what? Fuck this. I’m not going.”

We’re not far from her place so I make her stop and get out of the car, determined to walk my way back, which I start doing but somehow get accosted by the guys who make this NBA podcast I listen to. They’re traveling in a van and I’m now traveling with them. We’re nerding out on hoops and I’m genuinely surprised that they want to talk about basketball this much, seeing as it’s what they do for a living. It’s all genuinely good vibes though.

Eventually we find ourselves at this Mexican restaurant. The producer of the show is going to order one of their huge burritos and he goes out of his way to mention how much food that is. I’m not sure what I’m going to get but I eventually decide to go with the enormo-burrito as well. I suppose I can just eat the rest later if it’s too much. I don’t recall ever getting or eating the thing though.

Now for unexplained reasons we’re playing what seems like an arena football game at an indoor gym type place with like a half football field. I wasn’t supposed to play in this game and I have no clue what I’m doing but they somehow convince me to take part. I do and I actually manage to run a kickoff back for a touchdown. Beginner’s luck I suppose.

At a certain point, we’re huddled up and told about a particular trick play that the opposition might run in this situation. Be on the lookout for this is the message in the huddle. We then step back into coverage and yep. They’re trying to throw it to someone they typically wouldn’t throw to. I’m onto it, drop into coverage and manage to break up the play. I’m guessing this is a fake punt or field goal. Everyone’s sort of amazed I managed to quickly identify and stop the action. In fact, the other team wants a review because they think it’s pass interference. We check the tape though and nope. There was contact but I was in the right position and the dude ran into me. No penalty. As we’re going into halftime I’m realizing that I somehow made the 2 biggest plays of the half. I wasn’t even supposed to be playing.

That’s really about it. The dream goes on well before and after this and it’s all good vibes but I don’t remember much. One other vision though. There are 4 or 5 people standing on the top of this towering glacial iceberg above the ocean. There is a minor gap in the iceberg that goes all the way down to the water level. The conventional logic would be to simply ignore the gap and stick to the more solid ground at the top. I point out to the glacier people that the better solution is actually to dive down into the depths and take a look at the icy water. I suppose it can be repaired that way or possibly just knowing what’s down there helps one deal with it. Maybe it’s telling you that the glacier will eventually crumble and you need to move. Hard to say. 

5/8/2024 –

I haven’t been to the weird resort setting I’d created on the astral plane for a while but here I am. This time it’s been overrun by young fascists. They’re marching around and I’m obviously creeped out by it. Eventually there’s what seems like a planned hunting excursion and while I’m watching this thing develop, I see one of the young men have second thoughts. He essentially rejects the premise and ideology, but then he heads out on the excursion into the woods with his mates anyway. It’s like, even though he came to his senses and rejected fascism straight up, he feels like he has to conform. Not a complicated metaphor.

I very much want to get the fuck away from this resort that’s being overrun by fascist creeps but I also have an apartment on the lower level of the place. I don’t entirely understand why this is either honestly but I eventually find it and it’s like a dorm room I’m sharing with my brother. I’m sleeping there when suddenly I end up in this packed golden classroom. Impossible to describe but I’ll once again try. It’s the first day of this new class and all the people in it are shimmering with this golden glow. It’s also basically the most diverse array of golden people imaginable and in a completely otherworldly way. Not just racially diverse but completely diverse fashion wise as well.

Again, difficult to describe but the best I can do is that these are fits I’ve never seen anywhere and everyone is dressed differently. Outside of the golden glow, I don’t what to make of any of it. It’s not like, these people look sort of like punks from the 70’s and these kids look like rave kids or whatever. Everyone has their own look and it’s very fictional. Like if you were designing a bunch of looks for a sci fi video game and everyone had to look like they came from a different planet or country. Sci fi isn’t the right word either because none of the fits look futuristic, just cool.

So in this golden class, we eventually break out into individual groups and of course there are those of us who just don’t jibe with this sort of thing. Did I mention that I’m very much pissed off about having to take yet another class in the Invisible College? I maybe should have mentioned that. As much as this class seems interesting and everyone else is excited, I am bored and pretty infuriated that I’ve been signed up for this bullshit.

There’s a group of other students next to us who have formed a circle and are doing basic icebreaking type stuff when I realize that I’m dreaming. I’m sitting next to this woman with chin length curly hair who seems just as put off with the ice breaker bullshit as me and I’m like:

“Hey, did you know we’re dreaming?”

She’s not sure what I’m talking about so I raise my hand palm open to the ceiling in a magickal gesture and start manipulating this golden energy. I’m turning it into what looks like pages of sacred text. Even though I just started making things materialize in thin air, she doesn’t seem entirely convinced.

Now I’m back in my bed in this dorm room and I’m realizing that all the surrounding noise might be a bit problematic. I mean, it’s like college dorm. Those tend to be loud. Moreover though, dreaming about sleeping is always a bit trippy and disorienting. This is no different.

One other thing. While meditating in the morning the phrase:

“King of meditation”

Enters my mind. Later a vision. I’m sitting in front of a desk in a high floor office calmly while two dudes in suits stand on the other side of the desk.

“You can never turn it off!”

They tell me in a serious tone. Sounds about right.


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