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You Can Really Feel the Lack of Compassion

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

7/5/2024 –

I’m at the Invisible College and super annoyed that I’m still taking classes here. I’m making phone calls on what seems like a rotary dial phone to escape and I do. I’m now whisked off to an upstairs bedroom in an older house in the city where I’m having anal sex with my ex-girlfriend on a hot summer day, mostly standing up. This goes on forever and I’m starting to realize that I’m probably not going to climax but I can’t put it together that this is because I’m dreaming. I suppose I just wanted to believe, lol. She was in fact very much into this sort of thing.

As I pull out of this sequence I’m told in a liminal state that the body I inhabit is like an odd diving suit into the lower realms that is:

 “Definitely very sci fi”

So is the nature of my typical hallucinatory derangement. Always on the psychedelic outer reaches of living technology. And with this theme in mind, I once again wake up in the high-rise scenario. I’m trying to finish up my work day working from home but the condo I’m sharing is packed with people getting all high energy into their weekends already. I’m dealing with an angry customer right before my mine’s about to start but my software keeps breaking so I just sort of reserve to punt her issue to the next week. I tried to help her but our systems crashed, you know?

It's so loud in the condo with all the activity I decide to skip out for a bit to call the customer and tell her our systems crashed, which I do and after I get off the phone realize that:

“Holy shit. I’m in the upstairs communal area that I always tell myself I’m going to hit up but seemingly never do. Have I even been here before? I’m not entirely sure.”

It’s fucking amazing and very much looks like the circular space station stuff NASA was pushing back when I was a kid. I thought this was just like a top floor widowed work out area but the whole point is to be an enormous indoor/outdoor space. There are all these nature trails under the circular sideways columnar looking window enclosures above us. Fascinating.

I start wandering and quickly find myself in this tree shaded clearing area that very much just seems like green grass city park. Here I’m accosted by this lazily dressed yet absolutely stunning young woman with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and cheekbones that could cut diamonds. She’s intentionally touching me on the arm and trying to get me to give her $10 for her to take my picture, but I’m like:

“I have a camera on my phone. Why would I need you to take a picture of me?”

She’s a photographer she keeps telling me. The whole thing is shady AF and she’s leading me further into the sci fi future woods while I continue to back away as politely as possible. I legit feel bad for her and you know, the fact that she’s so over the top conventionally attractive is precisely what makes me so suspicious of it all. I fully admit to this bias.   

Lots more happens here in this particular version of the high rise sitch but the only thing that truly stands out is going lucid, which happens as I’m staring out the marvelously enchanting city view through this huge windowed viewpoint.

“Oh shit, yeah, I could just fly out of that if I wanted to, couldn’t I?”

Yes, yes, I could. I can also tell other people that they’re dreaming and can fly. That was sort of a new ability/lucidity theme that I’d forgotten about for more than a bit here. I’m now flying around this surrealist downtown with all these other peeps I’ve enabled to fly with the mere suggestion of its possibility. That is why I write this shit essentially, isn’t it?

Anywho, this is funny because I soar out the window to the building on the other side of the street and when I turn right and hover in the air to look at the adjacent building on my right side of the intersection I’m all:

“Oh man. Why does there always have to be a D & D metal dude.”

And I glance over and there’s this guy with long thick curly hair and mustache wearing a ren faire looking leather vest with no shirt underneath on the top of this rock castle looking rooftop space doing his deep voice orc fantasy symphonic metal thing. I do not remember ever encountering this while flying around in a lucid state on the astral plane but the idea that I do, often, is amazingly funny. I do forget 95% of what goes down in my sleep states so….

Also, remember the theme. My diving suit/body is very sci fi. Other folks are more mystical fantasy. There’s something quite fundamental underneath the surface that’s causing the art that emerges into the waking world. Always remember that. I’m sure symphonic fantasy metal prolly outsells psychic psi fi inner space gaze but quite a wide margin.

7/6/2024 –

I spent a portion of my day working on a track I wrote on guitar and in this vision a far more successful musician than me has just written a rather poppy album with his vocals based around drum machine loops. He likes the way I write guitar lines around tech beats and knows it’s the exact thing he isn’t really capable of, so he wants to hire me to polish off his record. Fascinating and also absolutely inspired by my wife throwing on The Police the other day engendering my admiration of how some of the rhythm guitar tracks really make those songs pop. There’s been a longstanding dispute between the Police about this exact matter in regards to songwriting credits I might point out.

Later, in a dream sitch I sit through yet another bullshit class at the Invisible College. At the end I stick around to talk to the professor with a couple other students. I’m standing up at the back of the room while they remain seated and it’s like I’m explaining to him why I’m don’t need to show up to class and holy fuck am I being the most condescending slacker asshole about it imaginable, which is the point. I’m calling bullshit on the whole enterprise and I’m 100% right. It’s funny and it’s like he’s trying not to laugh his ass off but he is in fact laughing his ass off. I’ve made my case but in doing so I’ve also pissed off some of the other student’s that stuck around.

When I get back to the high-rise scenario I realize why, which has to do with to them, a guy with a middle-class level of privilege like myself is basically white trash. This absolutely tracks and explains why the teacher bought it. Motherfucker knows I’m right, the kids are in denial. In fact, I have to go work from home in my high-rise condo while these shits sit around and make art all day.

One more vision. Here I’m in this detached perspective where we’re controlling how what seems like a psychic film is being created behind the scenes. What I’m being taught is that certain characters are essentially interchangeable. You see this good-looking blonde house wife woman? She makes just as much sense in this roll as this gothed out Elvira lady. There are a couple other options you could have switched in there as well.

Now it gets weird. I’m looking at a couple of living photographs depicting various productions and what I’m being taught is that my mind is trained to just sort of glance by them casually. It’s filling in the blanks but if I dig in far enough I can see that the character I switched out is in fact slightly different than the woman who typically plays the role, and not credited in the metadata that can be accessed at the top of the file. I would have never noticed unless it was pointed out to me and truth: it legit seems like I’m witnessing an astral plane entertainment complex scheme to economically fuck over talent. Wow is that odd, but of course tracks with the Police rhythm guitar angle.  

7/7/2024 –

Psi Vignettes:

I’m exploring this tall white columnar temple/tower with this other unknown compatriot. The thing’s mostly empty white walls and while I’m exploring the sparse architecture my traveling companion is reading the religious texts, which seem to be embedded into the building itself. We’re in this lower room beneath the tower that seems like a cremation mausoleum and one point he yells over:

“It says here they can rear insects.”

To which I’m like:

“Uhhh, what?”

And he responds:

“Rear insects. R-E-A-R.”

I understand what he means in general but do I? They can facilitate insectile forms of intelligence incarnating as humans?



In the next scenario there’s this entire family on the astral plane. One of their distant progeny has achieved some sort of fame and they’re all looking at the world through this young woman’s perspective and they’re all a bit shocked.

“You can really feel the lack of compassion.”

They exclaim.

I’m sitting at a crowded theater and I have to go to the bathroom. When I look over though, I realize there’s another audience member in a designated red chair that’s blocking the hallway to the bathroom. So to relive myself, I’d have to go annoy him essentially. This seems very stupid but when the show ends I’m noticing that several other people are making a beeline as he’s getting up out of this pee blocking seat. I suppose you’re really just supposed to hold it until the show stops. That’s the design.


I’m on a mostly empty bus heading north on 99 from downtown when I look back and notice that Tiffany Amber Thiessen is sitting right near the back of the bus. The second I notice this, I also notice that there’s another dude sitting right behind her. Is he going to try and make awkward conversation? Of course. He just starts into it like:

“You know there’s a long strange history between Columbus, Ohio and Connecticut that very few people know about.”

Apparently this is supposed to be taking place in Columbus, Ohio, even though it’s not and holy crap is this guy a dork. Why is he mentioning Connecticut? No clue. She obviously just wants to be left alone and I am cringing internally at his shockingly awkward attempts at forced conversation. Just leave Kelly Kapowski alone my dude.



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