3/27/2023 -
I'd call this one "North Seattle Stories" as all of these vignettes all take place in my own fictionalized version of Greenwood/Ballard. As a matter of fact, the dream ends with this odd scenario where it seems like once you've ended up here, they make it intentionally difficult to get out, like a gym membership. In fact, all of these dreams essentially end with me being lead from one government office to an enormous beige building seemingly filled with endless bureaucracy. If I want to leave, I have to jump through a bunch of hoops there, which this other government employee is explaining to me as he walks me over. Seems about right. I did accidentally end up here over 20 years ago and it doesn't look like I'm leaving anytime soon.
There are a few highlights to these stories though. In one situation I'm Spider Man and I've traveled back in time to help out a past version of me. I'm assisting him with the current predicament he's found himself in and I manage to find a solution. Eventually I'm about to leave and he asks for general advice. It's the classic: "Any advice you'd give to your past self?" conversation.
I tell him to make sure he steals the serum from the secret lab. I'm sort of joking but when I say this I realize he's completely confused by what I've just told him. This confusion leads me to realize that he hasn't actually done this yet but more to the point, I'm not actually him from the future. The only reason I know about the secret lab and the serum has to do with me playing the video game of his plot line in my version of reality. I didn't actually do this in what would be my past, I just played the video game version of this situation in my own reality. He's not a past version of me per se, he's a younger version of me in an alternate dimension.
What's crazy is that I remember playing this retro-game in multiple other dreams quite specifically. As a matter of fact, I've bought older gaming systems just to play it several times now. Also, it doesn't look like a retro game at all. The graphics are fantastic, they're just intentionally stylized to look like something that could theoretically exist in the past, even though it obviously doesn't, which is pretty common in gaming these days honestly. Lots of amazingly bright and vivid colors and it's a really quick play through.
I do my best to not let my confusion show at all and confidently tell him:
"Oh, gotcha. Just make sure you do in fact steal that serum from the lab. It's important."
And strangely enough, I know that it is. Even though it's just a video game in my version of reality, him getting that serum in that game is in fact important to what I need to accomplish in my version of the future. So many questions about the nature of the astral multiverse. When I summoned that other version of me back in 2010, was he actually a future version of me? Was I just like a video game of an alternate version of myself that I once played through? All fascinating areas of contemplation.
As I'm continuing this journey through dream world Greenwood/Ballard I find myself at the apartment of this woman who I get the vibe has been trying to hook up with me for a while. She's a fairly pretty white woman with dark curly shoulder length hair. We chat for a bit and I know I have to leave. As I'm heading out, I say goodbye and close the front door but she has this walled in porch area and she then emerges completely naked. I've got to give my dream imagination credit as she has a very realistic looking body. Attractive but not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. She's mostly height weight proportional but just one of those people who doesn't look like she's ever hit the gym much. It's not like I'm not turned on though.
As I start making out with her and fondling her naked ass while we embrace I'm having the classic dream thing where I realize that I'm being an asshole on multiple levels. On one level I'm cheating on my wife and on another, I'm intentionally not telling this woman that I'm married. When I wake up I realize that my wife essentially has a perfect body at this point because she's become such a work out nut. My dream life always loves to point out to me that the grass isn't always greener in any way it can.
